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Model 1850 Staff and Field Officers Sword

SKU#: 500124
Price: $199.95


Our Model 1850 Staff and Field Officers Sword 500124 is a fine reproduction saber is a faithful copy of ones used. The hand forged blade is British military spec steel that will flex over 20° and return to true. The leather handle is wire wrapped. Befitting their rank, this sword displays a high degree of ornamentation. The brass guard has hand chased foliage and "U.S." between the branches. The blade is etched with foliage, military trophies, "U.S.", "E Pluribus Unum" and "Iron Proof." During the years before the war, many Confederate officers, including General Robert E. Lee carried this sword in the Indian campaigns. Brass pommel, scabbard is blue steel.

Key Features:
A beautiful Military Sword
Great for Re-enacting and Collecting
A functional sword - battle ready

Overall Length: 36 5/8 Inches Blade: 30 3/4 Inches
Weight: 2 lb 2.5 oz
Edge: Unsharpened
P.O.B.: 5 3/8 Inches
Thickness: 6.2 mm - 3.5 mm
Width: 26.1 mm
Grip Length: 3 3/4 Inches
Pommel: Peened

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