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German Officer Shoulder Boards - Army-Luft - Lt. - Capt. - Red

SKU#: 69-803132
Price: $22.95


German Officer Shoulder Boards - Army-Luft - Lt. Capt. - WWII Reproduction. These are high quality replicas of the officers slip on shoulder boards. Red piping for Artillery - Flak. Rank is Lieutenant - Captain. Other ranks can be made by adding rank pips as required (Leutnant - Hauptmann).

Our German Officer Shoulder Boards are made from high quality subdued aluminum silver cords on wool backgrounds in the correct colors. Where appropriate they have genuine aluminum silver tresse.

* New Made Army Shoulder Boards - Pair
* From Quality Wool Backgrounds
* Rank - Lieutenant - Captain
* Rank - Leutnant -Oberleutnant - Hauptmann
* Branch - Army - Luftwaffe
* Red Piping Artillery - Flak

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